Star Wars Failure to Launch in China

The seemingly incessant continuation of the Star Wars franchise can seem to some like a thrilling development since the original trilogy while to others it seems like a push from the people profiting from the development of such a mass enterprise. It is clear the momentum for the franchise is centered around nationalistic American projection of values and entertainment which is why the entirety of the Star Wars franchise flopped when released in China. In comparison to the Fast and Furious or Marvel franchises, the Chinese audiences are underwhelmed by the recent release of Star Wars movies due to the lack of exposure to Western ideas around the release of the initial trilogy. In addition, the article noted that the recent trade war, “hampered both Hollywood and the Chinese film industry…nationalistic sentiments made it more challenging for films to break down the walls to cross the national, cultural boundaries”. It is relevant to note that the success of the continuation of the Star Wars franchise rides heavily on the nostalgia induced from the previous generation wanting to share the same scientific awe experienced in their own childhood with their children creating a breeding ground for storylines, actors, and entire series to become money-hungry machines stupefied when their profit-driven goals flop in a completely different culture. 


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