The Disheartening Development of the Coronavirus

Now I told myself that I do NOT want to address anything regarding the coronavirus since that’s all the media wants to discuss nationally and globally. Much to my dismay, the overhyping and fear-mongering projected onto the civilian population has ignited severely racist attitudes against the Asian community across a multitude of countries. In France, a Japanese restaurant, Yuki, was vandalized with paint with the word “coronavirus” graffitied onto the side of the eatery. The most disappointing aspect in regards to the vandalism is the issue that “Asian French, or Japanese, are being targeted for racial discrimination because of the coronavirus!”. Racist attitudes projected against those of Asian descent happens within the Asian culture itself as “Japanese candy shops banned any and all Chinese people from entering the premises”. At this point in time, the coronavirus has 1. Spread to other parts of the world - so anyone can be infected at this point, not just Chinese or for that matter any Asian person. 2. Get over yourself. The most disheartening part of this whole “coronavirus outbreak” is the heightened fear associated with the virus. That fear is directly projected onto those of Asian descent creating a distinct feeling of alienation and “other” within the Asian community as there is no reprieve from the barrage of racist ideals projected onto them by ignorant individuals who would rather disseminate hate then educate themselves and spread awareness. 


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