New and Improved Shelter-in-Place

I am sure we are all aware of the extension of the shelter-in-place quarantine implemented statewide starting this Monday at midnight. While these rules essentially reiterate the same point, which is, for the love of GOD stay in your homes - some of the new restrictions were laid into the fine print. So what is the difference between the first shelter in place and the newly implemented one? The idea of “social distancing” has now been firmly implemented within food establishments as restaurants are now mandated to mark 6 feet distances outside of their establishments to try and minimize corona exposure. You know what would really minimize it? Staying in your home. Regardless, another newly concocted rule states that all playgrounds or high-use surfaces are now prohibited. It’s definitely a sight to see when a child’s playground is wrapped up with Caution tape like a murder scene. While these restrictions seem to get tighter and tighter, it is necessary to carry out our individual responsibility and ensure the safety of our community and our families. To be reckless and socialize at a time like this is what I would like to call an “Oh no-no”. Stay safe and educated my fellow captives.


This is how seriously my boss takes Coronavirus :)


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