Waste in the Water

How do you feel about possible nuclear waste in your water? I know I wouldn't love it. Japan has proposed a plan for disposal of their radioactive water from their Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean. This comes at a time when waste tanks are nearing their capacity, and at almost ten years since the nuclear meltdown, the Japanese government insists on understanding how to treat contaminated water in order to assume the least adverse health effects possible. The Foreign Ministry in Tokyo claims that “releasing the water into the Pacific Ocean and evaporating it "are reasonable means of disposal of the radioactive water. Japan claims that this would not expose humans to a greater amount of radiation already existing in day-to-day life. While this seems like a plausible solution to a devastating issue there has been strong pushback from local fishermen and farming industries as their customers and businesses would be negatively affected. The article states that “the contaminated water is being purified using an advanced liquid processing system, or ALPS, though the process does not remove tritium and has been found to leave small amounts of other radioactive materials” which doesn’t inspire much confidence within the local population and international bodies planning to spend their summer in Japan for the Summer 2020 Olympics.


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